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ESG Outlook 2024

As we navigate the landscape of 2023, the world of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) has witnessed significant strides and noteworthy milestones. The year has been marked by a dynamic interplay of regulatory advancements, impactful conferences, and influential events shaping the ESG narrative. In this paragraph, we recreate a chrono history of the most significant ESG events of 2023 in the entire geographic areas of the world.

We can assert that in the Equity Market, in 2023, there wasn’t a real benefit in terms of return from ESG investing, since the higher yield was accompanied by higher volatility. In the Bond Market, the achievements are more evident, considering the growth of total emission during these years. This means that ESG bonds satisfy both investors and issuers and allow to realize environmental and social projects.

Moreover, from the continuous efforts of the main international authorities it emerges that ESG is not only a temporary trend, but a proposal on which they are trying to create solid basis. This can also be explained by the advent of new generations who are more inclined to environmental and social issues, which translates into a greater demand for ESG financial instruments.

Support for standardization can come directly from the tech industry. Data shows that more and more companies use ESG reporting software that allow greater standardization in tracking and regulation. Forecasts estimate that ESG reporting software’s CARG will increase from 19% to 30% in the next five years. ESG tracking and reporting are a key point for the development of the entire sector.

For the full report see the link below!

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